Greetings, I'm a Post Modern Witch living in the heart of the Motor City. I've been reading cards throughout the Michigan area for over 20 years. I have a variety of tarot cards that I use which include The Universal Waite, The Tarot of the Cat People, The Tarot of the Witches, The Witches Tarot, and The Daughters of the Moon. For those of you who want a nontraditional reading more suited to your own path I also read from The Mage: The Ascension deck, Giger's Baphomet Tarot, and the Vampire Tarot. I specialize in helping you become the captain of your own ship and creating the future that you desire to obtain. My tarot readings focus on self-empowerment and working with the archetypes within the tarot to help you achieve your goals. If you wish to schedule a reading contact me on Facebook ( You will not be disappointed.
In-person tarot readings and skype are $25.00 for a half-hour.